Opening Hours:

Without an appointment from 11:00 to 16:00 during working days



Endoprosthetics in Vladikavkaz

Endoprosthetics of joints is an operation to replace joint components with implants, which have the anatomical shape of a healthy joint and allow you to perform the entire volume of movements.

In modern orthopedics, endoprostheses are made of high-quality materials that have excellent survival and high strength! The average service life is 15-20 years, and in some cases up to 30 years!

There are prostheses for both large joints and small ones! The operation of joint replacement is used for various diseases and injuries of the joint apparatus, which led to a complete or almost complete loss of motor functions. Orthopedics and traumatology to such joint diseases include the following diagnoses:

Degenerative and dystrophic diseases (all types of osteoarthritis and arthritis)

Bechterew's disease

Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head

Intra-articular fractures

False joints

Joint dysplasia

Fracture of the neck of the hip

The operation of endoprosthetics is complete (total) or incomplete (partial). In partial endoprosthetics, only worn parts of the joint, for example, the head of the bone or the joint cavity, are replaced. Therefore, this operation is also called unipolar endoprosthetics. Unlike single-pole prosthetics, with total prosthetics, the entire joint is replaced with an endoprosthesis. The clinic is engaged in prosthetics of the hip and other joints.

If you want to return the joy of the movement and return to active life again, you should contact the orthopedics clinic of Dr. Kudzaev in Vladikavkaz! All types of prosthetics are carried out on the newest equipment and only from high-quality implants!