Opening Hours:

Without an appointment from 11:00 to 16:00 during working days



Arthroscopy in Vladikavkaz

Arthroscopy is a therapeutic and diagnostic method for visual examination of the structures and contents of the joint cavity, as well as the therapeutic effect on them with the help of thin optical and mechanical devices, electrophysical devices. In orthopedics, the medical advantages of arthroscopy are due to its low traumatism, direct access to virtually any internal structure of the joint and the possibility of carrying out fine precision surgical procedures on them.

In Vladikavkaz in the center of Dr. Kudzaev you will receive professional advice on this method of treatment of joints of the upper and lower extremities.

Indications for arthroscopy of the knee joint is an unclear clinical picture of various injuries and diseases of menisci, articular cartilage, fat body and other elements of the joint cavity.

Speaking about contra-indications, it is necessary to note the basic of them:

adhesions and contractures of the joint, fibrous or bony ankylosis of the knee joint; the presence of an inflammatory process of the knee joint or skin during the examination period, or an earlier infectious process. Advantages: you can definitely say that arthroscopy will ease the patient's morbid state. Used as a medical procedure, as well as a diagnostic procedure.

Of the minuses: the procedure is not possible on all joints of the body, in some cases, a full replacement of the joint is still needed.

In the future surgeons orthopedists - traumatologists intend to carry out operations on all the joints of man, but so far their number is limited. Now arthroscopy is carried out on the wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle joints.

Holding arthroscopy in Vladikavkaz is not a problem if you entrust it to specialists of Dr. Kudzaev's clinic! Modern conditions and high skill of our doctors will make the process of arthroscopy painless and fast!