Opening Hours:

Without an appointment from 11:00 to 16:00 during working days


Treatment of limbs

Treatment of limbs in Vladikavkaz

The length and shape of the lower limbs has age, sex and ethnic characteristics. They are as individual as the incision of the eyes or the shape of the nose. Correction of the length and shape of the legs within the norm is the subject of aesthetic surgery.

Correction of the limbs is particularly difficult and delicate work, requiring the surgeon not only knowledge in the field of cosmetic surgery, but also the knowledge of the orthopedist, since these industries are closely interrelated! Experience and skill of the doctor play a decisive role! Plastic surgery of hands and fingers in our clinic is one of the most reliable and effective procedures.

With due care and attention of medical personnel, the postoperative period passes without complications. And excellent feedback from our patients is the best proof of this!

Reception of patients and surgical treatment is carried out in the clinic of Dr. Kudzaev, located in Vladikavkaz. Attentive and friendly attitude, professionalism of specialists, comfortable conditions is what we offer our patients!